Why Every Man Needs Muay Thai *Repost*

As more men find the blog, I’m digging in the crates to share posts you might have missed. This is one I know you will appreciate. Enjoy, fellow Solitary Beasts:

You need to hit something.

You need to get off your couch or ergonomic office chair, elevate your heart rate, ignite your testosterone level, and throw your fist into another man’s face.

As the great Pat Tillman once said. “Life’s too freaking easy.”

We have it easier than men at any time before us in history.

Quickest access to sex, calories, international travel, and climate controlled environments than previous generations could even dream about.

From the comfort of your couch, you can shoot DMs to more women in seconds, than Don Juan ever contacted in his life.

Men in Victorian England barely ever saw an ankle, in 2019, you can (virtually) inspect the bodies of fit, young, beautiful people from every angle, in seconds, with the device in your hand.

You need muay Thai because you need to feel real.

“How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?” -Tyler Durden

Like everybody, I’m happy to have more technology in my pocket than NASA used to launch the first space shuttle.

I love modern conveniences, but there is a hollowness to waking up at a perfect 72 degrees, on a memory foam mattress, then piloting an air conditioned car to an air conditioned office; essentially moving my butt to various climate controlled seat cushions over the course of the day.

On a muay Thai mat, I am a warrior training to slay dragons, even if only for an hour a few times a week.

The dragons take several forms: my sparring partners, the heavy bag, my heart and lungs demanding I quit before the end of the round, the couch calling me to curl up instead of going to class. I am proven stronger with every victory over an opponent, even if it’s my own laziness.

There are many benefits to training a marital art, especially a fast paced striking art like Thai kickboxing, both physical and mental. Even off the mat, I feel increased concentration and focus. My mind is more alert, my reaction time is faster, and I’m more confident. I’m trained to use my fists, knees, elbows, and feet as weapons. I spar, or mock fight, men of varying sizes and abilities several times a week. It’s impossible not to swagger a little harder knowing I can seriously hurt someone with my bare hands if I needed to.

Physically, muay Thai requires brutal cardiovascular effort. No other marital art demands the same level of conditioning. Typical classes involve several rounds of skipping rope, running, body weight exercises like push ups and crunches, and that’s before the actual fighting. Combined with a proper diet and sleep, muay Thai will get you shredded fast.

Not just for vanity’s sake; you're honing your body into a weapon.

Every man needs muay Thai because masculine energy, as Coach Corey Wayne quoted, “is about purpose, drive, achievement, and breaking through barriers.”

Practicing the ancient Art of Eight Limbs offers the opportunity for many victories, both large and small: the chance to overcome yourself and others.